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When I first met Sam, he belted out a song about sons and Irish fields with an unshakeable confidence when he went toe-to-toe against Sara Reed about whether national security warranted the invasion of privacy. I was more than certain that Sam a fine-tuned veteran of JSA. Just imagine my surprise when I found out that he was only a sophomore at the time!...

Salina Zhang

Staff Photographer

When I brought two of my friends to Winter Congress 2018 for their first convention, I was uncertain of what they would think of the club. However during the opening ceremony, when seeing Sam stand up to the podium to deliver an entertaining Republican-themed parody of "Body Like A Back Road", I was reassured in my understanding...

Alex Qiu

Debate Agent

I first met Sam around this time last year when he was campaigning for GPR Mayor. Sam had reached out to me over text to ask if he could come to one of Eastside Catholic's chapter meetings to talk about his campaign. When I mentioned this to the rest of my chapter, immediately four people's eyes widened in surprise...

Angel Lin

Debate Agent

Eastside Catholic Chapter


I remember the first chapter convention I ever went to: Genghis Con. It remains one of my most memorable JSA experiences to this day, as I was able to watch so many iconic JSAers and amazing speakers, who would end up becoming role models for me. It was also my first time as a main speaker for a debate, and my opponent was another relatively new JSAer: Sam Kehoe...

Vivek Natarajan

Debate Agent

Skyline Treasurer

Republican Whip

At the first Chapter President meeting I ever went to, in the spring of last school year, Sam was amazingly welcoming and friendly. He made me feel welcome and confident. He also told all the chapter presidents that he wanted us to be a part of cabinet and apply. This small act of kindness that he showed prompted me to join cabinet. Without him, I wouldn’t have...

At the first Chapter President meeting I ever went to, in the spring of last school year, Sam was amazingly welcoming and friendly. He made me feel welcome and confident. He also told all the chapter presidents that he wanted us to be a part of cabinet and apply. This small act of kindness that he showed prompted me to join cabinet. Without him, I wouldn’t have...

Bryce Groen

GPR Director of Expansion

Garfield Chapter President

The first time I went to a chapter con was because Sam dragged me to Genghis CON, and there were only three delegates there from Overlake, but I remember seeing Sam talk in a debate about economics and I remember thinking, "this kid's going to change not only Overlake JSA forever, but the PNW JSA forever." And that thought from more than two years ago has never been truer than now...

Maria Russinovich

Maria Russinovich

Maria Russinovich

Assistant Convention Coordinator

Overlake Chapter President

Tom Kurtz

Debate Agent

Skyline Debate Director

I first really remember meeting Sam at a chapter con at the Overlake School where we debated socialism vs. capitalism in a four corners debate. I was impressed by his oratory and we spoke afterwards for a bit. One thing I took away from the conversation was Sam was an amiable guy who looked like he could be friends with anyone...

I first really remember meeting Sam at a chapter con at the Overlake School where we debated socialism vs. capitalism in a four corners debate. I was impressed by his oratory and we spoke afterwards for a bit. One thing I took away from the conversation was Sam was an amiable guy who looked like he could be friends with anyone...

One specific memory I have of Sam is of the Fight Apathy Hall. Not only did he manage to get a number of educators with a wide variety of opinions to discuss some of the most important issues facing the American education system, but he also organized the entire event. I was so incredibly impressed by his dedicated effort to enrich the JSA community...

Luke Boyer

Skyline Vice President

Luke Boyer

Being a freshman from Pullman at my first state convention, I was sitting on a couch wondering why I had joined JSA and second guessing my choice to hop on a bus a drive for 7 hours to Portland when I met Sam. His passion and love for JSA got me motivated and fired up to get involved in the state for years to come. Sam Kehoe is the reason I want to continue being a part of this organization...

Joel Moore

Joel Moore

Being a freshman from Pullman at my first state convention, I was sitting on a couch wondering why I had joined JSA and second guessing my choice to hop on a bus a drive for 7 hours to Portland when I met Sam. His passion and love for JSA got me motivated and fired up to get involved in the state for years to come. Sam Kehoe is the reason I want to continue being a part of this organization...

Pullman Delegate

Abhay Sunil

Abhay Sunil

Debate Agent

Incoming Skyline CP

Skyline Director of

Underclassmen Development

When I look back at my Freshman year, there are a couple of distinct people that will always resonate in my mind for years to come. One of those people is Sam Kehoe. The first time I witnessed Sam was at Winter Congress last year. After Sam gave his declaration speech for GPR Mayor, I remember turning to my fellow delegates and saying, "well, he has my vote!". Now, a year later, I am repeating that same phrase...

Cindy Wang

CIA Agent

Incoming Skyline CP

Skyline Debate Director

I confess - I had no idea who this kid was until last year's mayoral race, when Sam Kehoe came roaring onto the scene. The first time I spoke with Sam, I was both taken aback by how detailed his future plans were and shocked to learn that he was in my grade. Observing from a distance, Sam was so confident and charismatic, as well as being such a talented speaker, that I just assumed he was older and more experienced. Needless to say, he impressed the heck out of me, and hasn't stopped doing so since...

Sam and I were at JSA Summer School at Georgetown, and one day we were wandering around Downtown D.C., and somehow Sam and I got on the topic of one of the bills I submitted for WinterCon last year. We then proceeded to spend the next 20 minutes talking about my bill on concussions... Sam and I instantly connected and his friendliness and outgoingness radiated out to me...

Isabelle Johnson

IS Treasurer

In my four years of JSA I have met a number of students that have impacted and inspired me. Some have been charismatic, some extremely intelligent, and others outstandingly put-together. Then came the day I met Sam. Sam has all of the qualities of an impactful JSA figure: he's personable and charismatic, a fantastic speaker, extremely organized, and presents himself in a more professional way than some career politicians...

Johnna Munsen

One of my favorite things about Sam is that he truly cares about making everyone in JSA feel welcome. At conventions Sam always goes out of his way to go up to people and start a conversation or crack a joke. This is how I met Sam, and how I'm sure so many other delegates have as well. Sam's genuine commitment to making everyone feel excited about JSA...

Debate Agent

Ingraham Chapter President

Maya Konings

Assistant Director of Logistics

Ingraham Director of Publicity

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